A downloadable zine

Pom Pom HRT is a silly zine that tells the story of a person physically transitioning from a human into a yellow pudding dog.

This transformation takes place over the course of 6 hand-drawn pastel illustrations, each accompanied by simple and happy narration.


Included in your download are three files: 

  • one "E-Zine" PDF which you can read directly on your computer or phone
  • two "Printable" PDFs (one in color, one in grayscale) which are formatted to be printed out into a physical booklet.

A guide to printing and constructing the physical zine booklet is written in the "Install instructions" below. This is a mini-zine, and can be printed and constructed using just a single sheet of printer paper!


[Pom Pom HRT is a transformative work of art intended to fall under "fair use" copyright law. All copyrighted characters' credits and rights belong to their owners. Additionally, V.V.K. & Lucia Fur release all copyright of this work that would otherwise belong to them.]


E-Zine 247 kB
Printable Zine 326 kB
Printable Zine - Grayscale 333 kB

Install instructions

How To Print and Construct The Zine:

  1. Select either the "PomPomHRT_to-print.pdf" file or the "PomPomHRT_to-print_GREYSCALE.pdf" file. Ensure the selected file is not the "e-zine" file.
  2. Print the file on a sheet of 8.5"x11" paper.
  3. Depending on your printer settings, you may need to trim excess paper off the sides. Ideally, the color background and/or folding guidelines should extend all the way to the edge of the paper.
  4. Follow this visual guide on how to fold the sheet of paper. (if this link ever breaks, google "how to fold a mini-zine" for similar visual results).
  5. All done! Enjoy your copy of Pom Pom HRT!

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